Máriam Martínez-Bascuñán / Political Science Lecturer at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid / Profesora de Ciencia Política en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


Seminar: April 22nd, 2024

Comunicación y tecnología:

el desafío de la inteligencia artificial

Marta Peirano (Madrid, Spain – 1975) is a Spanish writer and journalist known for her work on free culture, security, Internet privacy and digital technologies. Founder of projects such as Cryptoparty Berlin and Hack Hack Hackers Berlin, she has worked in various media, including JotDown magazine and the newspapers ADN and eldiario.es, where she served as head of the Culture and Technology section between 2013 and 2016. She is the author of “El pequeño libro rojo del activista en la red en la red” (2015), prologued by Edward Snowden, and “El enemigo conoce el sistema” (2019), a critical essay on the management and handling of personal data and information and communication technologies. She currently collaborates as a columnist in the newspaper El País. Her most recent publication is “Contra el futuro. Resistencia ciudadana frente al feudalismo climático” (2022).

Organized by

Partner Institutions

Residencia de Estudiantes
Patrimonio Europeo

With the participation of

Escalado dinámico