Democracy and Tolerance

4th Seminar // March-April 2024

This seminar, developed by ILE in collaboration with the Residencia de Estu-diantes, continues the series held in 2021, 2022, and 2023 within its line of work on «Democracy and Tolerance». These seminars have addressed some of the challenges currently faced by our democracies, such as the rise of popu-lisms or illiberal political action patterns, which are testing our resilience as free societies. This year, the focus will be on the transformation of political communication, analyzing how disinformation, polarization, tribalism, and the growing influence of artificial intelligence in the public sphere pose significant threats to democracy. The seminar will also evaluate whether promoting media literacy and civic education can be useful in confronting the digital age, advan-cing the development of a more rational and discursive society, and preserving democratic foundations in an ever-evolving environment.

Estimated duration of each session: 90 minutes.

Seminar sessions will be conducted in Spanish, English and Italian, with simul-taneous translation into the other languages.

Seminar coordinated by Fernando Vallespín

Rob Riemen / President and Founder of the Nexus Institute / Presidente y Fundador del Nexus Institute

March 11th // 19:00 h. (CET)

Political Science Professor at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Democracia y comunicación:

¿Qué pasa con nuestra conversación pública?

March 18th // 19:00 h. (CET)

Senior Fellow at the SNF Agora Institute, Johns Hopkins University

The dangers: propaganda, disinformation,

manipulation, conspiracy theories


Fernando Vallespín / Professor of Political Science at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid / Catedrático de Ciencia Política en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
John Keane / Political Theory Professor at Sidney University & Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin / Catedrático de Teoría Política en la Universidad de Sidney y en el Wissenschaftszentrum de Berlín

April 15th // 19:00 h. (CET)



John Keane / Political Theory Professor at Sidney University & Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin / Catedrático de Teoría Política en la Universidad de Sidney y en el Wissenschaftszentrum de Berlín


¿Es posible contrarrestar la banalización del espacio

público? Una perspectiva desde la cultura

April 22nd // 19:00 h. (CET)



Máriam Martínez-Bascuñán / Political Science Lecturer at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid / Profesora de Ciencia Política en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Professor of Technology at IE Business School

Comunicación y tecnología:

el desafío de la inteligencia artificial

Fernando Vallespín / Professor of Political Science at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid / Catedrático de Ciencia Política en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
John Keane / Political Theory Professor at Sidney University & Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin / Catedrático de Teoría Política en la Universidad de Sidney y en el Wissenschaftszentrum de Berlín

April 24th // 19:00 h. (CET)

Professor of Constitutional Law at Universitat Pompeu Fabra


John Keane / Political Theory Professor at Sidney University & Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin / Catedrático de Teoría Política en la Universidad de Sidney y en el Wissenschaftszentrum de Berlín

Director of Public Affairs and Relations with the Courts at CEOE

La comunicación de los políticos:

su transformación en la época de la posverdad

April 29th // 19:00 h. (CET)

Professor of Comparative Politics at the Technische Universität Dresden

La desviación del ideal:

¿Qué queda de la democracia deliberativa?

Fernando Vallespín / Professor of Political Science at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid / Catedrático de Ciencia Política en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Democracy and communication: What’s Happening to Our Public Discourse?

March and April, 2024

This seminar, developed by ILE in collaboration with the Residencia de Estudiantes, continues the series held in 2021, 2022, and 2023 within its line of work on «Democracy and Tolerance». These seminars have addressed some of the challenges currently faced by our democracies, such as the rise of populisms or illiberal political action patterns, which are testing our resilience as free societies. This year, the focus will be on the transformation of political communication, analyzing how disinformation, polarization, tribalism, and the growing influence of artificial intelligence in the public sphere pose significant threats to democracy. The seminar will also evaluate whether promoting media literacy and civic education can be useful in confronting the digital age, advancing the development of a more rational and discursive society, and preserving democratic foundations in an ever-evolving environment


March 11th // 19:00 h. (CET)

Fernando Vallespín

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Democracia y comunicación: ¿Qué pasa con nuestra conversación pública?

March 18th // 19:00 h. (CET)

Peter Pomerantsev

Johns Hopkins University

The dangers: propaganda, disinformation, manipulation, conspiracy theories (Videoconference)

April 15th // 19:00 h. (CET)

Elvira Lindo


Mario Calabresi


¿Es posible contrarrestar la banalización del espacio público? Una perspectiva desde la cultura

April 22nd // 19:00 h. (CET)

Marta Peirano


Elena Yndurain

IE Business School

Comunicación y tecnología: el desafío de la inteligencia artificial

April 24th // 19:00 h. (CET)

Meritxell Batet

Universitat Pompeu Fabra

José Luis Ayllón


La comunicación de los políticos: su transformación en la época de la posverdad

April 29th // 19:00 h. (CET)

Marianne Kneuer

Technische Universität Dresden

La desviación del ideal: ¿Qué queda de la democracia deliberativa?

Organized by

Partner Institutions

Residencia de Estudiantes
Patrimonio Europeo

With the participation of

Escalado dinámico