Philosophy Emeritus Professor at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Seminar: March 24th, 2021
New reactive intolerance
Carlos Thiebaut, currently Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. He has also held positions at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and at the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC). He has been visiting Professor in Frankfurt University, Northwestern University, Universidad Autónoma Nacional de México and the Universidad Católica de Lima (Perú). He has authored Cabe Aristóteles (Madrid, Editorial Visor, 1988), Historia del nombrar (Madrid, Editorial Visor, 1990), Los límites de la comunidad: Las críticas comunitaristas y neoaristotélicas al programa moderno (Madrid, Centro de Estudios Constitucionales, 1992), Vindicación del ciudadano (Barcelona, Ed. Paidós, 1998), La responsabilidad ante el futuro (y el futuro de las humanidades) (Col. Eutopías, Ed. Episteme, Valencia, 1999), De la tolerancia (Madrid, Editorial Visor, 1999), Conceptos fundamentales de filosofía (Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 1998) and Invitación a la filosofía: pensar el mundo, examinar la vida, hacer la ciudad (Bogotá, Ed. Siglo del Hombre, 2008). He has also co-authored – with A. Gómez – Las razones de la amargura. Variaciones y tientos sobre el resentimiento, el perdón y la justicia (Barcelona, Ed. Herder, 2018). He has published numerous articles and reviews in the fields of contemporary moral and political philosophy and, specifically, on the communitarian-liberal debate in European, North American and South American journals. In the last decade he has worked on the experiences of harm and trauma and in the conceptual, expressivist and normative components of their elaboration, focusing – in this regard – on their historical and social dimensions.