Professor of History and Economic Institutions at Universidad de Alcalá
Seminar: April 17th, 2023
Freedom and/or solidarity.
The challenges of the new inequality
Pablo Martín-Aceña Manrique (Madrid, Spain – 1950) is Professor of Economic History and Institutions at Universidad de Alcalá. He was Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at the same university and President of the Spanish Association of Economic History. He has been Visiting Professor at Harvard University, Leuven, Université Parix X-Nanterre and the University of Cambridge, Fulbright and Fleming Scholar, and Fellow of the Rockefeller Foundation and the Clare Hall College. His books include Pasado y presente. De la Gran Depresión del siglo XX a la Gran Recesión del siglo XXI (2011), The Spanish Financial System. Growth and development since 1900 (2012), Las crisis financieras en la España contemporánea, 1850-2012 (2013), The Bank of Spain, 1782-2017. The history of a central bank (2017), Historia del Fondo Monetario Internacional (2019), and his most recent published work, Historia de la banca colonial Española. El Banco Español de La Habana, el Banco Español de Puerto Rico y el Banco Español-Filipino de Isabel II (2020). Along the years, he has acted as the main researcher in several research projects and he has been awarded the Spanish Orden del Mérito Civil.